Introduction:Taiwan is surrounded by sea, with a coastline of more than 1,500 kilometers in length, and a coverage of about 32 meters per square kilometer. Its coastal area can be considered as one of the highest coastline distributions among coastal countries in the world. In addition, the seas around Taiwan are also rich in marine biological resources, which account for nearly one-tenth of the global marine biological species. Within the coastal area the Taiwanese people interact frequently with the marine environment in various social and economic activities. Therefore, maintaining the sustainability of the marine environment is of utmost importance to Taiwan’s overall economy and the quality of life of its people. In view of the high density of Taiwan’s population, rapid economic development, damage of coastal wetlands due to coastal development, and waste (sewage) water discharge and ocean dumping, etc., the marine ecology and environment around Taiwan have deteriorated rapidly in recent years. There is the urgent need of promoting marine environment protection projects to mitigate such deterioration. In addition, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) calls upon all States to cooperate in the protection of the marine environment in relation to their marine environment on a global or regional basis, and monitor and report the crisis or impact of marine environmental pollution.
Law amendment: Pursuant to the announcement of Order Tai-Gui-Zi No. 1070172574 by the Executive Yuan on April 27, 2018, the central competent authority for the enforcement of the Marine Pollution Control Act was changed from the Environmental Protection Administration to the Ocean Affairs Council, effective from April 28, 2018.
Marine Pollution Control Act and Related Laws
●The Marine Pollution Control Act
●Marine Pollution Control Act Enforcement Rules
●Marine Environment Classification and Quality Standards
●Regulations Governing the Collection of Marine Dumping Fees
●Marine Dumping and Marine Incineration Management Regulations
●Classification of Marine Dumping Materials
●Marine Dumping Material Classification Table
●Application Fees for Various Marine Pollution Prevention and Control-related Permits
●Compensation Fees to be Paid for Pollution Caused by Ships and Fee Limits
●Compensation Fees to be Paid for Pollution Caused During Oil Transport in Private or Public Locations and Fee Limits
●Inspection and Identification Methods for Marine Pollution Involving Military Affairs in Designated Public and Private Locations for Oil Transport
●Guidelines for Marine Environment Monitoring and Monitoring Station Installations Marine Environment Pollution Cleanup and Disposal Regulations
●Contingency Plans for Major Marine Oil Pollution Emergencies
●Guidelines for Reviewing Marine Pollution Control Act-related Case Applications
●Formats of Marine Pollution Control Act-based Written Litigation