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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.

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According to the Ocean Affairs Council’s amendment dated April 28, 2020 and the protected marine wildlife list that became effective on June 1, 2020, Taiwan’s protected marine wildlife is as follows:
Marine mammals: sea otter, southern sea otter, marine otter, Antarctic fur seal, Juan Fernandez fur seal, Galapagos fur seal, Cape fur seal, Australasian fur seal, sub Antarctic fur seal, South American fur seal, Guadalupe fur seal (North American fur seal), elephant seal, Hawaiian monk seal, Mediterranean monk seal, Caribbean monk seal, bowhead whale, southern right whale, North Atlantic right whale, North Pacific right whale, common minke whale, Antarctic minke whale, Balaenoptera borealis , Bryde’s whale, blue whale, Omura’s whale, fin whale, humpback whale, Commerson’s dolphin, Chilean dolphin, Heaviside’s dolphin, Hector’s dolphin, short-beaked common dolphin, long-beaked common dolphin, pigmy killer whale, short-finned pilot whale, long-finned pilot whale, Risso’s dolphin, Fraser’s dolphin, white-beaked dolphin, Atlantic white-sided dolphin, dusky dolphin, Pacific white-sided dolphin, hourglass dolphin, Peale’s dolphin, northern right whale dolphin, southern right whale dolphin, Irrawaddy dolphin, short-fin dolphin, killer whale, melon-head whale, false killer whale, rough-toothed dolphin, tucuxi, Guiana dolphin, Australia humpback dolphin, Indo-Pacific hump back dolphin, Atlantic hump back dolphin, Chinese white dolphin, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, common bottlenose dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, spinner dolphin, pantropical spotted dolphin, clymene dolphin, striped dolphin, gray whale, Inia, pigmy sperm whale, dwarf sperm whale, baiji, beluga whale, narwhale, pigmy right whale, narrow-ridged finless porpoise, wide-ridged finless porpoise, vaquita, harbor porpoise, Burmeister’s porpoise, spectacled porpoise, Dall’s porpoise, sperm whale, South Asian river dolphin, La Plata dolphin, Baird’s beaked whale, Arnoux’s beaked whale,  northern bottlenose whale, southern bottlenose whale, tropical bottlenose whale, Sowerby’s beaked whale, Blainville’s beaked whale, Gervais’ beaked whale, strap-toothed whale, Hector’s beaked whale, Gray’s beaked whale, Stejneger’s beaked whale, Andrew’s beaked whale, True’s beaked whale, ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Hubbs’ beaked whale, Perrin’s beaked whale, pygmy beaked whale, spade-toothed whale, shepherd’s beaked whale, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Indo-Pacific dugong,  Amazonian manatee, West Indian manatee (North American manatee), and African manatee.
Seabirds: brown noddy, relict gull, bridled tern, Saunders’ gull, roseate tern, black-naped tern, little tern, greater crested tern, Chinese crested tern, Christmas frigatebird, Abbott’s bobby, Dalmatian pelican, short-tailed albatross, black-footed albatross, African penguin, and Humboldt penguin.
Marine reptiles: marine iguana, loggerhead sea turtle, green sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, olive ridley sea turtle, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, flatback sea turtle, and leatherback sea turtle.
Marine fish: Prince Alfreds ray, Alfred manta, whale shark, all types of sawfishes, shortnose sturgeon, European sturgeon, humphead wrasse, green humphead parrotfish, totoaba, and all species of coelacanths.
Other types: Polycyathus chaishanensis sp. and Pseudosiderastrea formosa Pichon.

發布單位:Ocean Conservation Administration

As of September 2020, there are 44 marine protected areas in Taiwan with an area of approximately 5303.97 km2 (after deducting an overlapping area of 3.88 km2), accounting for 8.23% of Taiwan’s offshore borders and domestic water area + Kinmen, Matsu, and Taiping Island’s restricted marine area of 64,473 km2 (data provided by the Ministry of the Interior). If converted based on Taipei City’s administrative area of 272 km2, Taiwan has a marine protected area of approximately 19.5 Taipei City in size. Of this area, national parks account for the biggest proportion at 82.86%, followed by marine wildlife conservation areas (including important habitat environments) at 0.14%[w1] , fishery resource conservation areas at 1.84%, national scenic areas at 0.82%, and nature conservation areas at 0.0002%.
For introduction to these protected areas, their governance, and coordination platform conference, please visit OCA’s “Healthy Habitat” webpage.

發布單位:Ocean Conservation Administration

The O.C.A has electronic documents for its three main responsible fields: clean sea water, healthy habitat, and sustainable resources. Documents include Where Marine Waste Comes From, Marine Wildlife Conservation Areas and Important Habitat Environments, Oil Pollution Aerial Monitoring Technology, Oil Pollution Offshore and Onshore Response, Guide for Whale Watching in Taiwan Waters, and the OCA’s “Good Thing We Have You” (Chinese, English, Spanish, and French versions). You are welcome to download and use the documents. 

發布單位:Ocean Conservation Administration
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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council