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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.

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Water quality

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Water Quality MonitoringTaiwan is surrounded by a coastline of approximately 2,000 km, and along the coastal seas various human activities can be seen. It is inevitable that land-based pollutants may enter the sea via river confluences and recreational activities, whereby affecting the quality of seawater. Moreover, global warming leads to increased seawater temperature and acidification. Through monitoring of the quality of seawater, the pollutant sources can be identified to facilitate source management.In order to protect the quality of Taiwan’s marine environment and improve the efficiency of water quality management, regular monitoring and analysis of sea and beach water quality have been implemented by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) since 2002. This responsibility has been taken over by the Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council since 2019. Currently, a total of 105 monitoring stations have been established, for conducting examinations of seawater pH levels, dissolved oxygen content, total suspended solids, heavy metal concentrations, and other items relating to seawater quality.


Unit:Marine Environmental Management Division
  • Visitor: 600
  • Update: 2022-12-15
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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council