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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.

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Meeting to Create an Integrated Platform for Taiwan’s Marine

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To integrate, plan, coordinate, and manage marine protected areas, we endeavor in Taiwan marine protected area-related counts, reviews, and integrations. On December 17, 2018, we convened a preparatory meeting to create an integrated platform for Taiwan’s marine protected areas, inviting central government agencies to attend the meeting and help establish a cross-domain integrated platform for marine protected areas.

The meeting’s most important participants are relevant ministries, experts, and scholars; related local government agencies and NGOs are invited according to the topics discussed. The meeting is held once every quarter, and special project meetings are hosted whenever necessary.

In the first meeting held in 2019, we discussed the calculation basis for Taiwan’s marine protected area assessment indicators, marine protected area directories, and enforcing marine protected area-related laws. Additionally, we requested that relevant authorities and marine protected area management units under their jurisdictions to continue to understand their law enforcement situations and notify us about relevant law enforcement demands that they may have. They may inform the Coast Guard Administration to provide assistance whenever necessary to enhance law enforcement in marine protected areas.

Unit:Planning Division
  • Visitor: 569
  • Update: 2024-10-17
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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council