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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.

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Marine Animal Rescue Network (MARN)

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Friendly fishing
Friendly fishing
Unit:Marine Conservation Division

With overall planning and coordination by the Executive Yuan, various governmental departments, local governments, and fishing groups entered into negotiations and compiled various opinions. The OCA proposed the “Taiwan Friendly Fishing Action Plan.” The content covers site selection, safety rules, environment maintenance, resource sustainability, data reporting, appropriate accountability, education promotion, division of labor among different departments, and self-management by fishermen. It is hoped that the sustainable use of marine resources and self-management of fishing sites under a fishing-friendly action framework can be achieved and the overall fishing environment improved. In May of this year, the Executive Yuan approved and assigned the OCA as the responsible agency to effectively plan fishing activity-related measures, make gradual improvements, and increase links to international society. The OCA will inventory locations open for fishing to optimize the site and facilities, improve the management function, and organize fishing resource surveys. The goal is to increase the number of fishing locations and comprehensively improve Taiwan’s fishing environment and services, whereby the public can engage in fishing safely and happily. 

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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council