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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council.

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Marine Conservation Education

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Mangrove Ecosystems
Ecosystem Monitoring and Surveys
Unit:Marine Conservation Division
     Mangroves are small trees that grow in the muddy areas of tropical or subtropical coastal regions. These plants have developed unique morphological and physiological features to adapt to their habitat environment. Mangroves belong to the family Rhizophoraceae, feature mostly red trunks, are rich in tannic acids, and can be used to make red dye.
   Taiwan possesses mangrove forests totaling approximately 680.7 Ha. The forests can be found from the Keelung Bay to the Dapeng Bay and contain 3 families, 6 genera, and 6 species of mangroves: Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk., Ceriops tagal C.B. Rob., Kandelia obovata Sheue, Liu & Young, Rhizophora stylosa, Avicennia marina and Lumnitzera racemosa Willd.
    Mangroves grow in tropical or subtropical regions and are important coastal ecosystems serving important ecological functions. Together with seagrass beds and coral reefs, they are listed as the three typical marine coastal ecosystems. In addition, mangroves are a critical part of wetland ecosystems, providing the environment needed by marine organisms to grow and develop. Moreover, their leaves are crucial sources of energy. Furthermore, mangroves provide a place for birds to rest and stay during migrations. To humans, mangroves offer many ecosystem-related functions, such as stabilizing coasts, preventing erosion, purifying water, providing shelter from wind, and reducing the impact of storms and waves. Mangroves are the coasts’ natural protectors, offer important ecological functions, and possess economic value.
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Mangrove Ecosystems
Mangrove Ecosystems
Mangrove Ecosystems
Mangrove Ecosystems
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Ocean Conservation Administration, Ocean Affairs Council