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    110年度的藻礁生態調查主要是針對桃園市主要三個具現生藻礁海域的六個測站:觀新藻礁三個測站(永安、永興、保生)、大潭藻礁二個測站(G1、G2)及白玉藻礁一個測站,進行共兩季的殼狀珊瑚藻多樣性及豐富度季節性變化的生態調查,並選擇新竹縣的新豐藻礁測站作為對照組,進行一季調查。調查結果顯示,兩次調查結果中,殼狀珊瑚藻的藻種數紀錄差異不大。整體而言,桃園藻礁海域共計發現殼狀珊瑚藻21種藻種,六個測站中以永興、永安與G2測站為最高(12種)。以殼狀珊瑚藻兩季覆蓋率變化而言,潮間帶上半部在大潭藻礁海域殼狀珊瑚藻覆蓋率在不同季節間變化大,潮間帶下半部在觀新藻礁海域的永安測站第二季因玫瑰哈維石藻大幅生長,使覆蓋率大幅增加。另一方面, G1測站兩季皆設置為固定樣框,調查結果初步推論在殼狀珊瑚藻生長旺季時,藻礁體如果被積沙持續掩埋過久,除了新一代的殼狀珊瑚藻孢子無法附著之外,礁體上也難有殼狀珊瑚藻可以持續生長。有關G1受損區的殼狀珊瑚藻生長變化方面,因本年度為進行定點監測的第一年,殼狀珊瑚藻是否可恢復生長與積沙多寡有關,但仍須長期持續監測才能有所定論。本團隊於108年至110年間在桃園藻礁海域以相同的調查方法,共進行9次調查。調查結果共計有殼狀珊瑚藻10屬30種,包括:哈維石藻屬6種、孔水石藻屬2種、張伯倫氏藻屬2種、道森氏藻屬3種、石葉藻屬1種、新角石藻屬1種、殼葉藻屬5種、膨石藻屬6種、石枝藻屬3種及孢石藻屬1種。其中,每年在六個測站皆有紀錄的常見殼狀珊瑚藻有3種,分別是哈維石藻sp. 1、膨石藻 sp. 3及孢石藻sp. 1。殼狀珊瑚藻覆蓋率方面,9次調查結果顯示藻礁潮間帶的殼狀珊瑚藻覆蓋率隨著不同季節有明顯差異,值得特別注意的是,在110年9~10月份部分測站殼狀珊瑚藻的生長普遍與環境高溫(依據中央氣象局數據)相關,高溫時期的覆蓋率大幅降低,然而,干擾藻體生長的因素也有可能是覆蓋於礁體上的漂沙變化。
    新竹縣新豐藻礁110年6月的調查顯示潮間帶上半部大部分為泥沙灘,在中潮帶有零散礁體露出,殼狀珊瑚藻覆蓋率大部份點位偏低。潮間帶下半部為泥沙灘、鵝卵石灘與塊狀礁體混合的棲地,殼狀珊瑚藻覆蓋率不同點位變化大。調查結果共記錄有4種在桃園藻礁海域的常見殼狀珊瑚藻藻種,分別為波緣膨石藻、2種膨石藻未確定種、張伯倫氏藻sp. 2。110年度精進藻礁科普教案中,包含認識桃園藻礁生態介紹,並描述非造礁藻與造礁珊瑚藻、無脊椎動物中的珊瑚與蟹類及軟體動物等,共45種桃園藻礁海域常見物種。110年度對於藻礁生態保育管理建議有兩大方向,分別是建議持續加強桃園藻礁生態系的主要造礁物種基礎研究,用以了解造礁珊瑚藻在藻礁區的生殖物侯學。另一方向為加強桃園藻礁的週遭環境管理辦法,用以強化藻礁保護區的生態維護,以達到藻礁保育目標。

          Algal reefs in Taiwan are mainly distributed in northwestern Taiwan. Based on literature, Taoyuan City has the largest algal reef dominated by crustose coralline algae (= CCA). Therefore, our algal reef ecological survey in 2020 was mainly aimed at six sites in Taoyuan City's three main algae reef areas, including three in Guanxin (Yong'an, Yongxing, Baosheng), two in Datan (G1, G2) and one in Baiyu, and the species diversity and abundance were conducted for two seasons (July and October). The investigation results showed that the species diversity between the seasons shows little difference. In total, 21 species of CCA were recorded from Taoyuan algal-reefs. Among the 6 investigation sites, Yong’an, Yongxing and G2 were shown to have the highest number of CCA species (12 spp. from each site). On the other hand, the CCA coverages were shown to be variable in different seasons at the upper parts of the intertidal zone, especielly in Datan area. Nevertheless, in Yong’an, the CCA mean coverage was increased obviously at the lower parts of the intertidal zone . During 2019 – 2021, the species diversity and coverages were conducted 9 seasons in the Taoyuan Algae Reef area from using the same approaches. In total, 10 genera and 30 species of CCA were found including: 6 species of Harveylithon, 2 species of Porolithon, 2 species of Chamberlainium, 3 species of Dawsoniolithon, and 1 species of Lithophyllum, 1 species of Neogoniolithon, 5 species of Crustaphytum, 6 species of Phymatolithon, 3 species of Lithothamnion and 1 species of Sporolithon. Among them, 3 CCA were widely distributed over the six investigation sites in all years, including Harveylithon sp. 1, Phymatolithon sp. 3, and Sporolithon sp. 1.
    In addition, we investigated the species diversity and their coverages of  Xingfeng algalreef in Hsinchu county in June of 2021. The habitat of the upper parts of the intertidal zone is highly covered by sands, whereas many patched algal reefs were dispersed in the mid-tidal zone. As a result, the mean coverage of CCA is relatively low. Although, the habitat at the lower parts of the intertidal zone is covered by a mixed sands and pebble beaches, some larger algal reefs are emerged, and the mean coverage of the CCA varies greatly in different habitats in the lower tidal zone in Xingfeng. In this report, we proposed two possible directions for the management of algal reef ecological conservation: 1) to provide continuous financial support on the baseline studies on long-term ecological survey and the reproductive phenology of the main reef-building species occurring in the Taoyuan algae reef area, and 2) to reinforce the environmental management methods in order to provide maintain a suitable eco-habitat for the marine lifes in the algal reefs and for a substainable conservation purpose.

    • 110年-111年藻礁生態系調查計畫(2-1)_全文_compressed  檔案下載:193次
    • 瀏覽人次: 945人
    • 更新日期: 111-01-24